- Limitation. In every aspect, this world is limited. In size, strength, weight, determination, time, speed, etc.
- Conservation Principle. Every value has a conservation principle, meaning the value does not come from nothing. You can’t cheat the world and gain true value through shortcuts like drugs, alcohol, medication, praying, etc.
- Minimization Principle. Naturally, from the conservation principle, comes the principle of minimizing valuable and limited resources, such as energy, information creation, time (Fermat’s principle), etc. This principle applies to individual elements of Nature, not Nature itself, for which value is conserved.
- Uncertainty. The world is not entirely defined. It has doors to other worlds. This is Heisenberg’s uncertainty, or SQUS, where time is not determined, allowing different logics to merge. Only feelings, or more delicately, the heart, penetrates these doors. Don’t confuse feelings with emotions or feelings stemming from the brain and this world. Uncertainty leads to randomness, causing non-uniformity, which is genuinely unpredictable, hence perceived injustice by some, and limited predictability.
- Evolution. Improvements are only gradual, step by step. Revolutions in any aspect are not beneficial if resulting from forced change.
- Fractality. Fractality is self-similarity across different scales and aspects of this world. Fractality stabilizes the system and induces order.
- Critical Threshold. There’s always a level of intensity at which a topological change (phase transition) occurs. This is tied to the limited nature of the universe, which forces a topological change upon reaching a boundary value. The critical threshold value is unpredictable, like the occurrence of prime numbers. One can only risk to achieve the critical threshold, hence the profitability of risk, payable after the phase transition.
- Abstraction. In reality, only limited, countable values with the smallest value exist in this world. PI, irrational values, etc., are only abstractions. Imagined structures are necessary to find solutions, as in solving third-degree equations. Mental illnesses are also abstractions in this sense.
- Logic. Logic stems from the flow of time. Logic would be different if time flowed differently. There’s no logic where time is undefined (SQUS). Beyond this world’s logic, other logics and worlds exist. Relativity theory accounts for the change in time flow when approaching the speed of light. Thus, for each of us, time flows slightly differently, causing a subtly different logic. Respect for others stems from understanding this and respecting Nature’s laws.
- Love. The most crucial aspects of this world lie beyond logic, such as the meaning of life or love. Love transcends limitations because it’s a common good for all universes. Love is not logical because it’s not limited to this Universe alone.
P.S. The Unwritten Last One: Sometimes, it’s beneficial to step out of this logic and go crazy to understand 😜