Yes. The title says it all. When you return to the matrix, you leave everything you currently have. Without money, without houses, without knowledge, without talents, without skills, without intelligence and, what may be the hardest to understand, without logic on which everything else is based. When you return to the matrix, to uncertainty, logic does not reach there. It has no right of entry, because time does not flow there. It stops. There is no cause and effect in the sphere of uncertainty with a radius of Planck’s distance. Or maybe not such a small sphere. But what we do not understand we see as the smallest value.
Our heart beats there and comes from there. Everyone has it in every point of their body and everyone can listen to it as soon as they lean on themselves. The problem is that you have to stop. Let go of the reins of control that we have in our hands. Lose control over what we have and what we want to control and let ourselves be carried by the wave of our heart’s beating. It can guide us. Without much effort, we can sail through our lives. Not touching others. Not bumping into their lives and desires. We are from uncertainty and to uncertainty we will return.
If you are tired of life and it seems to you that you do not have the strength to go on. Listen to your heart beating. Free yourself from your desires and the desire to achieve anything. You will rest. You will catch your breath in the bosom of the matrix. You have a choice. As you can and want, calmly delve into your heart, it always advises well. You decide. It only shows you the way. It gives comfort. Rest and you know that you can always count on it. Just like a child. Sleeps peacefully at night with mom and during the day frolics in the yard.
Sometimes we forget that such a possibility exists. Hurried. Lost. We always carry our home within us and it only depends on us whether we want to rest there. No one can forbid us this. It can only obscure, blur our eyes, or distract us from it by saying that everything you have is on Earth, is material, or pseudo-spiritual. The spirit is in each of us, not in the church, not in the mosque. Not in another person. Not in relationships. Only where you really are with all the life of this world. There we are all connected. Entangled in uncertainty. Where time does not flow. There is no logic. There is no cause and effect and there is no judgment, criticism, or punishment. Where my heart is, there is yours. Your well-being is also mine. Your decisions listening to the heart are mine. There, or rather here, there is no division into better, smarter, or cooler. There is no need to apologize, ask or thank. Because to whom. There is no division into mine, yours and theirs. We all return there or we can return if we want. It is not always like that, because… we like to satisfy our desires. We like to fulfill our desires and we do not always want to give it up. And we do not always want to share with others.
That’s also ok. There is nothing wrong with that. That’s why we are here on Earth. Subjective with a sense of isolation. We want it that way. We want to feel a little pleasure from being human. The coolest thing about being human is that we can “sin” and still be happy and live well. We can kill and eat a chicken. Enjoy eating meat and still it is not so burdensome that it would prevent you from feeling good and not having total remorse. Think about how you are connected with this chicken. How could you kill her. How could you enjoy eating her meat later. This is it. Here on Earth and in the whole logical universe everything is limited and transient, so also forgivable. Our isolation, subjectivism allows for sins, but also causes loneliness. Lack of belonging. We will never be completely fulfilled here. We will never completely satisfy ourselves and our consciousness. There is always a shortage here. There is always something that could be better. Someone always has it cooler where we are not.
In the matrix of uncertainty, it is different. There is such infinity. Penetration of one with the other. Feeling everything and everyone. Not everyone dreams of returning there, especially that he has a feeling that he messed up. That he was not always fair to others. It’s hard to look them in the eye and ask for forgiveness. It’s hard to humble. It’s hard to let go of the big balloon of pride and arrogance. You can’t elevate where everyone feels what you feel. Where everyone sees what you see. You can’t hide anything here. Yes, some are afraid, but it is only their feeling. Only in their consciousness, because they lived in isolation for too long, they were subjective and ate too much of this pleasure from being human. As Buddha said a little moderation. Just.
Be a human. Be yourself too. Listen to your heart in the sphere of uncertainty from time to time and you will find out if you have not galloped too far. Maybe you need to apologize a little. Maybe do something. Or maybe it’s quite ok. Only you know exactly what is in your heart. Even when others see the outer shell and your deeds, they are not able to say whether you did it in accordance with the heart. In accordance with the hearts of all. No one knows and will never know what is hidden in you. This is temporary subjectivity, which is given to you without access to others. You always have a choice. The choice of subjective consciousness. The choice in time, in events based on the logic of this world. That’s what this logic is for. That’s what time is for. That’s what subjectivism is for. So that you can make independent decisions. Feel the freedom, joy of being free. The independence of making decisions is the greatest value of being an animal, a human, or anyone who lives.
A mix that is indelible, uncontrollable – the feeling of being free and at the same time the possibility of resting in your heart. How far have you gone from the heart. Come back, unless you want to go further. Your choice. Your joy. If you would like to feel the desire and feel like the “blood” of the victim. Go. But return to the heart because here is your rest. On Earth, or another planet of this universe, there is judgment, evil, good, suffering, and joy. In the heart is comfort. Peace and rest from toil. Combining these two worlds, moving between them, gives meaning to life. They complement each other. They give a sense of complete happiness and fulfillment.
Heart, it’s time to feel you. Heart, let’s rest. Let’s let others feel. Let them feel important and valuable. After all, we will always feel it together in the end.
Thanks to everyone for the feeling of being happy.