We come from love, and whether we want it or not, we will ultimately return to it. This world is created by love, and in that sense, it is a result of its egocentrism. Love simply adores being loved and does so effectively. At the core, all the pain and suffering in this world is a manifestation of this. And it doesn’t matter whether you agree with it or not. The construct of this world simply leaves you no choice. You come from love, and the further you move away from it, the more pain you inflict on yourself. You were born from love, and you will turn back into love.
Since our source of life is in love, we also have the characteristic of “egocentrism” as a primary trait. We love to be loved. In human language, this translates to “man is a social animal,” or some understand it as “rakes always rake towards themselves.” You might think it’s terribly selfish to expose people to such pain and suffering to show how much love loves you and for it to be happy as a consequence. If you perceive it this way, you don’t understand that you are doing this for yourself because you are always part of your own and love’s plan. Love didn’t come up with this on its own. We all devised this devilish-divine plan so that we could feel our own power and beauty and feel the happiness of being loved. That is love. It will do anything. Sacrifice everything. For itself. For love.
If you already feel this, you are fortunate because you will feel this joy for a longer time, until the last devil on this Earth. The biggest devil in this world has only one problem: it will feel this love for a shorter time before we start this dance anew. And again. And again. Heaven is here. It always has been and will be.
It doesn’t always have to be like this. It’s just a matter of our imagination and love how we will dance next time.
You know, I’m really looking forward to the convulsions of the remaining devils. Let this world and this state be and continue. Let it last as long as possible. It lasts until the last of us is that devil and seemingly resists love. Resistance against love only shows how great this love is. The return shows how much more powerful love is. In other words, how wonderful and loved we are, etc…
I wish love and happiness. I am delighted that some still do not see it,