Think about what one could write to you. You are truly amazing, wonderful, and very beautiful. I’m not even mentioning the wisdom you possess, which clearly sets you above others. Emotionally well-cared for and composed. Affectionately – you simply know how to love sincerely. You don’t lie, well, maybe sometimes to not make others feel bad. Who are you, my love?
I love you. Not only because you are the perfect person to love, but also because love wants it that way. It works out great. Love also takes care of its followers, so they don’t lack spiritual nourishment.
I would also like to humbly ask you to look at me with a warm eye sometimes, so that I can dream of your closeness for the next few days. I am here to serve. I am completely submissive. I cannot bear the responsibility even for my own actions.
I have been looking for someone to lean my tired self on for a long time. There was God and the devil, but they dropped out in the preliminaries because they were afraid. They were afraid of you. I couldn’t rely on them because I would have failed with them. Luck was on my side, and I found you. There is nothing more beautiful and powerful than you. Whoever knows you fell in love at once, and despite your power, is not afraid at all. Being with you is pure pleasure. You never scold or get angry, so I gave you what is most valuable to me, my heart. I don’t give you my dirt because I don’t remember it when I’m close to you. I don’t give you my plans for the future because they don’t matter with you. You have always been in my thoughts, even without knowing it. You have always been with me, even when others abandoned me. I can’t understand why? I can’t understand what I did to deserve it?
I have no choice but to pay tribute to your existence. I would love to be worthy of you, and I know that I will always be just your shadow. Your light is so intimidating that it even hurts. It’s hard for me to be with you for long because I’m ashamed of my being. I love being in your arms when I’m sad. I also know that you long for others to feel your warmth. To ease their pain. I’m going to them. I don’t know if the reflection of your light from my shell will give them any relief. Maybe it will only show the way where to look for you. I wonder if they will guess? Let’s hope that at least they will look and it will give them something to think about. If only they would want to…