Principle for a Life-hack

For me, as a physicist, it is very natural that everything valuable is limited and possesses a conservation principle. In physics, this refers to the conservation of energy, or time optimization, such as Fermat’s principle, etc. However, for people, it is difficult to grasp that. Hello!!!!. The conservation principle always works, and you can’t get rid of it despite your mental or other efforts. It seems understandable, but is it really? Let’s take a look.

People have always sought the Holy Grail, or alchemists a substance that would turn stone into gold, or finally chemists drugs without side effects. Uhhh, they struggle and struggle, but maybe they should look at the basic principle. The conservation principle. No trick will work here to deceive the world. You are more likely to deceive yourself.

Yeah, but they will say there are drugs that help, psychotropics that alleviate symptoms… Well, exactly, symptoms. Not causes. But antibiotics cure not only symptoms but effectively eliminate causes. Of course, as a consequence, they weaken organisms because they don’t have a chance to develop immunity and find their own way to resistance. Let’s look holistically. The conservation principle is always there because it’s the ground we walk on. If something valuable doesn’t have a conservation principle, then either it’s not really valuable, or as they say, karma will come back soon.

Let’s go further. If the conservation principle is always there, but due to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, it can be disturbed to the magnitude of Planck’s constant, it follows that you just need to wait patiently for karma to return, so to speak. How long to wait? Simply, calculate it from Planck’s constant.

We are filled with the desires of the body and other people. Maybe also a bit of our own dreams that we haven’t yet drowned in the pursuit of money. What does such a conservation principle suggest to wise people now? The desires of the body will pass. The desires of others in our minds are temporary and will also pass. Only your true dreams will remain, which are always there and can be felt if we don’t fill our brains with new foreign desires. Cleanse your inner self. Don’t fill it with other people’s desires or bodily desires. After some time, the conservation principle will fill you automatically. You don’t have to try. You don’t have to bristle. Snatch something from others that probably won’t make you happy anyway. So simple? Sure. Natural fulfillment through the realization of your true dreams. Cleanse yourself and wait.

Reading books. Sure, when you are already yourself and feel your true self.
Alcohol, drugs, psychotropic medications. Great, when you know who you are and that it’s your nature.
Religions, beliefs, miracles. Absolutely, if you created them yourself and they are truly yours.

Shake off what is not yours and wait. The only advice I can give you.



principle for schemers