Thesis: Logically speaking, there is no meaning to human life.
Proof: If the meaning of human life could be logically grasped? You can always present an antithesis because logic is entirely determined. The antithesis of meaning would then be the meaninglessness of human life, meaning that meaninglessness exists and can be defined and shown. Now, put yourself in a situation where you know the meaning and meaninglessness of existence, very clearly and logically proven. I don’t know about you, but I would only feel the meaninglessness. I wouldn’t see the meaning at all.
The proof is very senseless because the issue is already senseless by definition. Not every question makes sense; you can see that a senseless question + a senseless answer gives you a shit.
However, logically I cannot prove that meaning cannot be determined. Logically speaking, I do not know the entirety of the matter.
I can only suggest to you: feel this senselessness of the logical meaning of life, and no better proof is needed.
Ooooooh, so is the church wrong? Are religions wrong? Gurus wrong? Devil’s advocates wrong? No, they are not wrong; they’re just shearing sheeps with old and dull scissors ;P
Old and dull scissors are… because they can’t afford better ones. Besides, why buy new ones when the old ones function quite well? Those are unnecessary costs. They would have to hire experts and specialists in philosophy to come up with something with a razor. Mega sharp xD. Unnecessary tension would rise in the church, and they’d have to move their fat bishop butts into the world, preaching the NEW.
Now the trend is to be laid-back; we’ve been collecting fruits for 2,000 years from the same talk, all the time. The fruits are pouring in, so don’t disturb. Better is always the enemy of good. Good is always the enemy of bad. Which means that bad is a friend of better. That’s the logic.
If you still don’t get it, it means you’re not frogs. If you don’t understand, it means you can’t talk. If you’re still believing these texts, it means you do not feel.
Throw away all this crap that the Elites
are putting into your heads, whatever they may be—political, religious, or social. Simple rule. If someone says, I'm doing this for your good,
it means they want you to think and say that to them, which comes out as I'm doing this for my own good.
And so on.
I repeat myself many times, but there’s a rule in psychology that if a person hears a hypothesis from three different independent sources, they consider it proof of the hypothesis. That’s how the brain is built. For a person with circa 120 IQ, it’s enough that there are three different sources (the “independent” disappears) because they no longer grasp what “independent” means. A monkey with 100 IQ is satisfied with three sources (without “different” and “independent”) because they don’t see the difference. For the rest below 100 IQ, which is the median of society (I remind you, that’s exactly half), sources are enough because they can’t count either. So you can see that they drink from one source and somehow live. And the little spring has been poisoned for some time now.
I mean, it’s known. That little spring was never clean. If billions of people drink from one little spring, what’s the probability that someone has already peed and pooped in it simultaneously? Knowing people, I’m 100% sure that this has been happening regularly for centuries. Humans are a disgusting species. It’s not for nothing that Murphy’s Law works: what can go wrong, will go wrong.
Sorry for the somewhat disgusting discourse. I’d like you to forget about this logic and feel yourself and others. Determined logic almost always ends in crap. If you don’t see this crap? Then wait patiently for a moment. Apparently, someone flushed the water.
The meaning of life cannot be determined. It can be undefined, fuzzy, or elusive. Call it what you will. It simply comes from uncertainty. There, everything loses determinism and certainty.
Oh, thank you, whoever did it, that logically I have no sense to live. Finally, something logical. Logically, we cannot grasp the meaning of life, and boom. As for the rest of the trivial life matters, well, I’ll sort them out for you. Just tell me why and for whom, the why? The fridge is already sorted. You gather some cash, go to the store, and boom—you have it. You can do that with almost everything, except for the meaning of “why the f*** do I need all this.”
So first, we build the foundation of life, as they write in holy books—that is, the meaning of life. Which means “we don’t know why to live.” And then those subsequent senseless moves, like the purchased fridge, etc., which essentially are “why the f*** do I need it,” since I don’t know why I should live. What is my life’s purpose? But logically, for many, it all fits together nicely!!!
Logically, it’s all “what for, the fuck is it?,” so feel it.
Love is beside you. Look around. Feel it.
You’re still too young to think. Feel.
Stop thinking, even for a moment. Start feeling, even for a moment.
I repeated it 3+1 times. The spell should work. Amen XD.
See ya, girls