You can get phased or phase. That’s what qubits do, i.e., “sensing” bits. How do qubits sense? Exactly, they phase, i.e., they wave. Each wave has two components: amplitude and phase. Phase results from the wave’s frequency and the time at which we capture this wave.
An ordinary computer can well simulate amplitude, i.e., the wave’s maximum size. However, the phase is hidden from bits and ordinary computers. This is the “sense” of qubits. Phase communication, completely invisible to real numbers. Mathematically, the phase is the imaginary part of the wave. I remind you that an imaginary number is the square root of -1.
Of course, you can simulate imaginary numbers using bits, i.e., real numbers, but as you might guess, it is inefficient. Qubits are naturally a wave. De Broglie’s wave. Because these physical particles are so small that only waves are visible, and reality is blurred.
Qubits are somehow twice as dimensional as bits or real numbers. Apparently, in reality, we have 3D + time. In the case of qubits, we have 2 x 3D + time. Qubits have, as it were, more space. It is known that the more dimensions, the easier it is to find the energy minimum, because the solution in other dimensions does not have to be narrow. A narrow minimum is difficult to find. That’s always the point of the functional, i.e., the optimization goal, finding the minimum.
In Grover’s or Shor’s method, the same phenomenon occurs. I remind you that these methods are used in quantum computers. Qubits communicate additionally in the phase space, so they see more. Phases are in imaginary space, invisible to bits.
Qubit communication in both phase and amplitude space simultaneously is a physical solution, not a simulation, and is part of quantum mechanics phenomena. It is impossible to efficiently simulate this communication on bits, as some scientists sometimes write in publications.
Bits have one dimension, only a numerical value. Qubits, depending on what we measure, will always have an additional dimension of communication and synchronization. I call it the qubit’s “sense” because it has a strong connection to love, which is beyond the dimension of logical understanding. Love is, as it were, the imaginary part, and logic is the real part. Logically speaking 😜
What are we phasing today? Downing a shot 😝