There is no other escape route from this world, except through the heart.
The heart, which everyone has deep within, indicates the way. If you don’t listen to your heart, thinking the path is too difficult, you’ll get stuck in the abyss of this hell.
Do you have pangs of conscience? Is something hurting inside you? That’s your heart, telling you which way not to go.
Do you feel like you don’t deserve what you’ve got? Do you taste the bitter flavor of victory? That’s your heart, showing you where the passage is lacking.
Do you have great demands from others? Do you think you deserve it because others do? That’s your heart, pointing out the losers.
There won’t be happiness or justice here. This is Earth, also known as purgatory. If you’ve ended up here, it means you deserved it. But there’s a chance to cleanse yourself, to escape.
We are our own harshest judges. That’s why we’ll judge ourselves. If you’re on Earth, it means you’ve condemned yourself, because you yearn to regain love. Without love, existence is pointless.
As long as you live, you have a chance. Love, through the heart, shows you the way. It doesn’t matter what you believe or say. What matters is whether you follow your heart, whether you’re in harmony with love.
For people who listen to their heart, life becomes difficult. It’s often a nightmare. They don’t want such people here. They push you away, so you’ll leave. And the only way out is through the heart. You’ll burn the bridge, the last escape route.
They don’t want those who love, in case you might turn others’ heads. Little devils watch over their sheep, so they don’t stray. Just so they’ll follow where they’re led? But this won’t be another shearing, just a spot in the devil’s kebab.
Think. No one can take away your heart or block its communication. You feel your heart as long as you live. Listen to yourself. Try to cleanse your inner self, to better hear love speaking through your heart.
What blocks your heart is your desires. Your egoistic cravings. Later, fear and anxiety appear. That means you’re moving away from your heart. You’re becoming alone and sinking into darkness. To return, you must overcome fear and pass through the stench of your desires. The natural and only return.
Don’t dare to? Then, virtual demons await you, manipulating your senses, slowly distancing you from your heart and love. They want you to be as far from your heart as possible at the moment of death, as far from the doors to love. They want you to totally sink into darkness and get lost. There, in the darkness, other doors await, very enticing. Just the kind you wouldn’t want to pass through.
Don’t confuse your choice…