How is your life in the matrix? Brrrrrrr …

Let’s start with the fact that we define what is a matrix: Of course, a nice film 😉 Why is the virtual world called a matrix? As I understand it, it is a matrix of supercomputers that generate a virtual world. A lot of people think this movie is not fiction. Whether it is a fiction or not. Let’s think about it.

There is a cool law of physics. It is called “Wave-Particle Duality”. Brrrr… The name is terribly complicated or not, depending on who knows what. This law was discovered by Louis de’Broglie and wrote a doctorate on it. It was probably the shortest doctorate in the world, because it was one-page. But what is this duality about? The phenomenon of light interference is known. It is also known that light, or photons, are particles. And there is a problem because interference is a wave phenomenon that has nothing to do with particles. The wave is spread out in space. Particle clustered in one place. So the duality of photon nature was invented for this need, meaning that the photon (light) is both a wave and a particle at the same time. Such a complete contradiction 😉

The problem has been resolved. I think … Louis de Broglie extended this phenomenon and found that not only light has this quality, but everything that moves. Louis gave a great formula that the wave frequency is proportional to the momentum. Momentum is velocity multiplied by mass. Well, but we can observe the waves of light, so why can’t you see the wave of a running dog? You can refer to the formula. The waves are simply so small that they cannot be measured with any known instrument.

But do you understand that ?? What does it mean that everything is wave and particle at the same time? After all, this is a contradiction, there is no consistency here. Unless?…. I had an idea 🙂

And what if every particle running in space, let’s say, for short, ‘pushes’ this space. Like a ship traveling on water, it creates waves on the water. Remember that we are talking about space, not air or water or any matter whatsoever. Matter is based on space. So first there must be space for matter to be there. Space is empty, what is space ????

Matter particles must be somewhere and are said to be in space. What exactly is this space ??? Louis de Broglie wrote that every particle or thing that moves causes waves. Well, but if space is emptiness, nothingness, so what causes waves in emptiness? Space then is waving ??? If space undulates, it is understandable that the particle seems to be undulating as well. It is blurring. The photon, causing the waves of space, blurs and interferes. We have come a long way. But where is the matrix here ???

Just here. The Matrix shows up right here around the corner. All physicists (not all but the classical ones) believe that space is smooth. There are space curves by mass, but smooth curves all the time. Now an important moment … How to explain the dogma that every thing that moves creates a wave of space. Not air, not water, but space. Space then would have to have some resistance. And important is the resistance, thanks to which the waves of this space are generated in a simple analogy to waves on water. But how can the void has a resistance, something is wrong understood?

What if the space is not smooth but ‘rough’? ‘Rough’ because it consists of very small parts. Then you do not need space resistance, because the resistance of space (void) is at least … strange, or even saying that space is material, i.e. it is no longer space, emptiness ;D.

It is natural that when space is ‘rough’, waves appear, whatever moves in that space, because when moving, it must ‘bounce’ on this ‘roughness’, just as a ship breaking ice floes in frozen water generates noise, or a sound wave. And see, you don’t have to invent some void resistance that would give you another contradiction.

What this could mean is that space is ‘rough’, i.e. not smooth, but composed of small particles. What a strange structure that is not matter but is naturally quantized (meaning made of particles). It cannot be matter, that is, it cannot have mass, because space is void, so by definition there is no matter there. It doesn’t mean that it doesn’t interact with matter, but it certainly isn’t. What it might be: it has no mass, it is not matter, but it is naturally quantized. Aaaa …… .. or maybe just information ???? Bits have no mass and are quantized in a natural way. The smallest value of information is 1 bit, which is one of two choices.

So back to the topic, what if this ‘roughness’ of space are bits of information? Which means space is made up of bits. Isn’t that the definition of the Matrix? The space in which the entire universe is build, then everything that is in it must also be build. So what we live in the matrix, or something that resembles its 😀

Thank you for your attention. It was a really tough piece of physics 🙂



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