Economics is a science of fools

Economics a science that has no deeper sense. It is Assuming dogmatically that everyone is driven by a lust for money and the fear of losing it. Without this dogma, nothing could be proven in economics.

Could someone show me the proof that economic dogma does exist in this way. Money is not a natural value that is embedded in human nature. It is an artificial, bizarre product that benefits only the richest.

Media manipulation on the level of all humanity. Ads showing something that is worth having, because it will make us happy, and at the same time explicitly or non-explicitly what is its value in money, giving a twisted value to the cash.

It can also be the other way. Not watching TV or listening to nonsense from popular media and suddenly the mind clears and it appears that the advertised things that would make us happy are useless and in fact make us unhappy, because we have to work on them by devoting our time. Nevertheless we don’t need to give up what we already have.

In economics, and not only in this pseudo-science, there is the principle of transactionality. Such poor logic that something is for something. According to this principle, nothing is for free. In religion, this poor logic appears as karma. We are rich because we used to do a lot of good. We are poor and we suffer because we did wrong once.

It can also be in a different way. If anyone has done something wrong to me, it’s hard enough that it won’t happen again. It will change the way you think about me and others. He will be more empathetic towards people and animals. He doesn’t have to atone for it. It is just good that he is alive and well. And so be it.


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