Physics is not completely symmetrical. There are experiments stating that the particles with left-handed rotation behave differently than the right-handed and it is not about the direction of rotation. The antimatter is significantly less than matter. Reversing time will not return the universe to the initial state, i.e. the lack of symmetry over time. And what can you expect? Why are some people dreaming about the beautiful symmetry?
Once, the beauty of symmetry and universality were delighted. I believe that beauty is exactly the opposite. Total symmetry, excellent circle is deadly, because it confirms humans in thinking about their knowledge and logic. The same as with the pseudo-random numbers, it is with pseudo-symmetry. Universalism that makes people stubbornly defend their right. They think that they understood the whole world, that they know what is the goal of life. In fact, they stuck at one of the many dead paths to nowhere.
The beauty is precisely when we doubt that we know something. When we think we know, we are lost by meanders of logical thinking. We are already thinking that we have come to intimate truth accessed only for gods. It turns out to be not really. We stiffen on our own barricades of knowledge and understanding. Without analyzing logical deficiencies, peculiarities, which could say how much our understanding is not entirely. These law logical, there is only almost and nothing else.
As I understand, there is no universal way for every human being. There are always peculiarities. As in mathematics. Exceptions to the rules that are really the most important. These exceptions show about our weakness and ignorant logic.
Why is the symmetry so absorbing? Because it is almost fulfilled. Exceptions from rules are very rare. In physics, the impact of the weak forces, the second principle of thermodynamics, cosmological theories of antimatter. There are so few exceptions that we stretch reality to these exceptions and hide them under the carpet. We do not understand that these exceptions are the beauty of this world. Just like exceptional people, who change this world. Without them, we would fall into the abyss of nonsense. Aimlessness. They give taste for the life.
How much can you pray. Meditate. Drinking alcohol or taking drugs. Among the abyss of similar units are those who stand out. There are almost similar, but not entirely. They live and are lost in the mass of people. They are not better, they are simply others. They are enough unique to give the taste of people who lost in their own logical arguments. There are no simple answers, or maybe they are. It depends, and maybe not quite. The problem of some people is to project their own understanding on others. Often is that the most stupid man is most sure. Although not always. They are wise who are not always as wise as they pass. Intelligents who have delighted with their intelligence. And so on …
I do not like symmetry. Maybe not quite. Symmetry shows us where the deficiencia is and where is asymmetrics. The circle is completely symmetrical, but how much it is true. Life is symmetrical, repetitive, but maybe not entirely. There may be one, two exceptions. Maybe more. All of us will die, but the real sentence is that they have dying so far. Does it mean that this will be in the future. In finance there is a saying about black swan. we can earn money in 99% of time, but for this 1% of time you can lose everything, so this determines.
Not everything is indefinite. There are determined statements, which are worth quoting. Not everything is asymmetrical, because it would break the asymmetry. There are things worth being granted. Respect for the other person regardless of views. Right to life. The right to be happy. There are only rights and not obligations. Duties is to manipulate and influencing our lives. Or Maybe not? Suppose I am already too far in my statements on rights. Maybe they are obligations. I highly simplify and symmetry life. Well, I’m susceptible to this logic also.
Am I a man? I do not know. Am I special? I do not know. This is sincere. I can pretend someone that I am not, but is it worth? Maybe being myself is a value in itself. With these disadvantages that we have. Advantages too.
So this time calmly and from the heart.