Darwin was right. The body is subject to evolution, and there is no creation here. Such are the laws in this limited world.
It’s nice that sometimes you convince me of the superiority of your theory over mine. Sometimes I even clap my ears for you, so you can feel your power and intelligence. Great. But nature doesn’t give a damn about our considerations. Your sense of superiority. Or my inferiority. For her, only the one who survives counts, and the one who will be able to do so will have the last laugh. Unfortunately, no one will hear your arguments coming from the cemetery.
Instead of proving your point to others, you should look into your heart and see what’s in it. What is the truth. Your intelligence won’t help here. The wisdom you’ve proven to everyone is just your impression and possibly the people who are foolish enough to let you manipulate them.
This world is finite. It has a death date embedded in it. As does each of us. Each of our bodies. The body will leave. Love will say “check,” and the physical pain you inflicted will hit you like karma right in the forehead. Here’s the interesting part. Physical pain, from this world. The victim of this pain demands compensation, and then you will be the victim. This is karma. But non-physical, psychological pain is not something imposed on you. It’s your choice and your choice alone how you want to feel. I have a body, a heart, and consciousness. The body hurts. I have to feed and protect it. The heart gives great advice and certainly doesn’t inflict so-called psychological pain on you. The psychological suffering people feel is their choice. They want it. Deep down, they’re afraid and don’t understand what their life on Earth is all about.
Learning or reading books is an effort we can make or not. If you know what you should do, cool, don’t learn. I’ll hint that it helps. Learning helps. You can rest. Sure. The rabbit also rests sometimes because it can’t run and escape all the time. But the fox doesn’t tell the rabbit – watch out. The rabbit, as you understand, when it doesn’t run away, will be eaten and won’t even know it’s gone.
When you hear “watch out,” you’re alive and listen up. Usually, it’s an attempt to manipulate you and that’s it. I’ll even say this. I don’t know of a case where such a “watch out” is not virtual. All media always spreads such warnings. There are no other contents. So you should go the other way. Where there are no warnings.
Listening to great knowledge spoken thousands of years ago is ok. I would agree on a few things. But there is evolution. The world is changing. It forces change. It forces the emergence of new people. Darwinian better-adapted people. Will you be one of them? We’ll see. There’s no convincing God, the devil, or anyone that you’re suitable. There are no amateurs of life, and no prisoners are taken. Darwinian law is simple and clear. In any way, you move on. You’re further on. Or your terminator is further on, who just ate you.
This scheme applies not only to the body but also to your subjective consciousness. If your self cannot maintain its existence and separation, it will be absorbed back into uncertainty, and you will be no more. Someone else will appear in your place. More adapted and cooler.
Great that you convinced me of your superiority. You are indeed beautiful and wonderful. Super smart, by the way. I look forward to every meeting with you. I’m waiting with great curiosity for the moment when love says “check.” I assume you will fail, despite all your persuasion and self-confidence. This is a bet. If we don’t agree on key issues, we pay with existence. Something more than the life of the body. If I win, I will be. If you win, you will be.
I m saying “check.” Show your cards…
Your heart…