Traveling across consciousness, or more precisely, floating above the Earthly level of consciousness.
Flying is a good example here. To rise above our human level, we need to have an airplane rather. Unfortunately, people cannot fly. The plane slowly rises up. It can fly above the clouds for a long time, but there may not be enough fuel, so it’s important to know when we are landing. Then we can avoid a disaster and ending up… in a hospital.
That’s how we should plan and do it precisely. Free flight is somewhat dangerous. As you understand.
Above the clouds, it’s beautiful. Sometimes you can lose yourself in the feeling and the body may have trouble keeping us in flight. We need to be careful all the time.
Of course, the body doesn’t have fuel gauges, etc… It doesn’t? Just observe it. Is it already behaving nervously? Do the hands start to tremble? Do we start to have nervous tics? etc… It means be careful, you have little fuel.
When passengers start complaining to you that they are scared, consider whether to land or not. Simply descend to Earth. Panic up there only causes a rapid drop to… we already know.
I don’t want to encourage strongly. Nor discourage. Not everyone has the right wiring to rise. This is fairly obvious. Not everyone has enough skill to analyze the details of the flight. They often land where they crash.
I am slowly learning to manage the flight with my own plane. Unfortunately, I am self-taught because I cannot find the right books for this. However, I have already managed to make quite long flights many times, without major damage to my health or that of my loved ones. Sometimes there was also a little trouble. But it’s rather difficult to avoid. I admit I have not always been able to avoid a smaller or larger disaster.
If someone is interested in learning to fly in the space of consciousness, I invite you. I would also like to meet those who have learned. I am happy to learn some interesting techniques.