Original text – https://ctext.org/dao-de-jing
Point 1 – Embodying Love (Tao)
Love is not constant.
Love has not always had the same name.
She is the Mother of the universe.
She is the source of life and its lover.
Selfish desire negates her.
If you do not desire your own, you will be touched by love and feel the mystery.
But if desire is in you, you will see only the reflection of your own desire.
Where the mystery is deepest, there is the gate to everything that is subtle and wonderful.
Point 2 – The emergence of life
Existence defines non-existence, not the other way around.
Love defines the place of hatred.
Life defines what death is.
Love is the building of life.
You live, so you are loved.
If you can love, you will survive death.
Love loves you, not everyone.
Love knows you and wants to keep you as you are.
You are life, Yang. Love is Yin.
Point 3 – Balance between Love and You (Yin and Yang)
Love loves you, reciprocate the same.
This will ensure prosperity for you and everyone in love.
Point 4 – Emptiness
Do not fill your thoughts and heart with your own desires, let love dwell there.
Point 5 – The wisdom of love
Your wisdom is foolish.
Love, though not thinking logically, gives meaning to your wisdom.
Love and do not make a fool of yourself.
Do you really love? So why are you jealous?
Do you agree with love or with yourself?
Love loves you where you are, not where you want to be. She loves you as you are, not as you want to be.
Do you understand, fool? She created you this way and wants you to be just as you are now.
As you understand and feel love, you will abandon your desires with gratitude that you have not achieved them.
Point 6 – Creation of Heaven and Earth
Love creates Heaven and Earth. She does so in a slow and delicate way so as not to cause much pain and suffering to those smaller than herself.
You have the same right to use this power from the source in a gentle and harmonious way. Respecting the principles of Love, without inflicting pain and violence.
Point 7 – Protecting the light
The time of Love is indefinite. Power unmarked. The time of Earth and Heaven is long, but the end of Earth eludes human reasoning because it depends solely on the unfathomable Love.
Do you want to last forever, then stop wanting it and maybe it will be given to you.
Point 8 – Calm, soothing water of life
Love, Yin, Tao is like water. She is simply the water of life. She fills what is empty and recedes easily. She does not fight. She gives life, but does not take away.
You are like Yang. You are like fire. You need Love to cool you down and soothe your suffering.
Pain is part of Yang, part of you, to enforce development. However, you are not alone. Love soothes your pain. You need Love. You suffer because you are far from Love.
Think, do you suffer? And look for the water of life. Immerse yourself completely in her.
The continuation does not have to happen. A repetition is not always necessary etc… Unless you’re a fool, then I’ll repeat:
Love does not always have the same name. Keep your eyes open. Be tolerant. Respect what comes from Love. Nobody knows the day when she will come to you.