The Journal of Nanika’s Time

Stardate 23908.98.213

Dear M.,

They still use money. They haven’t yet learned to listen to their hearts. Well, some have that ability. The meaning of life is given to them by threat. They motivate themselves to act through a lack of money. They don’t listen to each other. They are strong egoists and egocentrics. Most Earthlings are at the first level of Maslow’s hierarchy (Maslow’s hierarchy is also known as the pyramid of needs according to Ega). They gather resources to ensure their existence. The average Earthling constantly thinks about how to get money to survive. Even those who have enough to meet their own and their family’s needs focus on having more. They are lost in this money as if it determined their salvation. They feel nothing beyond their minds. They are lost. They are incorrigible addicts, dependent on chemicals to relieve suffering. They don’t see love. The level of development of Earth’s civilization is at the stage of money according to E.

I propose education in listening to each other and to one’s heart. I have created the SQUS theory to make them aware that they are all connected. To justify this connection with a physical theory, through mind and logic, as Jung wrote about archetypes. They are lost in their own minds. They fell in love with logic when they saw the advantage over others who don’t do it. Unfortunately, they abandoned their hearts. Listening to others and the heart is called morality. Generally, they give everything some names. It gives them a sense of security and control. They fell in love with their own brain and its possibilities so much that they forgot that they still know very little. Well, they need to be made aware of their true position, or they will slaughter each other.

There is a chance to save them. They are starting by mitigating the effects, that is, ecology. Instead of the causes, which is the lack of listening to each other and controlling their desires.

I propose using the Butterfly method for Earthlings. Let them truly feel their possibilities to the bone.



Stardate 23908.98.223

Dear M.,

I am injected with chemicals, but in my case, it is for a different reason. My current body is not adapted to the capabilities of my consciousness, as you understand. It is simply overwhelmed by dopamine. This body cannot bear too much. So thanks to the chemicals, I am calmed and can function.

I miss you all the time and wait for our meeting. Let me know if you can, because it’s hard for me sometimes. This body is, how to say, a bit cumbersome. It doesn’t give much flair, even though according to their measures, my IQ is over 150. This supposedly gives me intelligence in the top 1%. They value this measure very much. They tend to dampen rather than support the more intelligent.

Ruthlessness is most valued here. Someone who can withstand a lot of stress and pressure is worthy of elevation on Earth. They greatly idolize such people. Even though they are the ones causing most of the bad things on Earth. There is something wrong with these human organisms that they worship terror. Hmm, I haven’t figured out what it is yet.

That’s all for today,

Your wonabru

Stardate 23908.98.225

Dear M.,

I should probably settle some scores. They gave me a hard time, and they still hold their heads high. They don’t want to accept humility. I don’t know where to start. Maybe I’ll just start smiling at them as if nothing happened.

There was a sage named Gandhi in India. I didn’t know him personally, and I don’t know how much he listened to his heart. He was supposedly a sage who democratized India. Buddha was also from India. In fact, most beliefs originate from India. Regarding Buddha, he said, “It is better to walk your own path, even if it is wrong, than to follow the crowd, even if it is right.” In my opinion, this one text of his refutes all the rest of the nonsense his successors wrote, creating a religion. People really need to believe in something. They are so afraid. Spiritual courage is somewhat lacking in the average person. Of course, there are exceptions, but usually, people use them. They use their gods for their own selfish purposes. They don’t know any god and put various words in their mouths. Usually, these are promises that there will be something in heaven after death.

There are miracles that astonish some scholars who only use their minds. They surprise me less, but they strongly bolster believers in their faith. Faith itself wouldn’t be a problem for people, but some individuals greatly abuse people’s trust for their nefarious desires. Generally, people at the top of religious power are most often completely depraved. Of course, you know Ega’s principle regarding the development of civilization at the stage of money. Absolute money, absolute deprevates. They don’t understand this and rush like moths to a flame. This is their emotional addiction, they are addicted to constant external stimuli that give them pseudo-happiness.

People have noticed the principle that the rarer something is, the more it stimulates and gives greater pleasure. They use this linearly, creating a hierarchy based on resources. Of course, converted into money. Neighbor looks at neighbor’s yard and envies. Envy is the feeling of that rarity that is not theirs. If a neighbor has something that I don’t, envy kicks in. I know you don’t feel this envy, so I tell you more about it.

We have reached the crux of the problem. Homo Sapiens greatly values possession. It excites them immensely and gives a sense of security. They are constantly at the basic level of the hierarchy of needs. It’s as if evolution has stalled. It has stopped progressing. People, like worms, constantly think about eating, sleeping, reproducing. Which later evolved into gathering. When money appeared, it became the gathering of money, and it stayed that way. This is a bit of the evil I wrote about. Evolution is not progressing sufficiently. It’s as if it got stuck and hit a dead end. Their ethics and morality are at the level of vermin. Capabilities at the level of a weak Andrenoda, which, as you understand, the lack of balance between these two aspects causes what I am describing to you.

That’s it for today,
Your wonabru

Stardate 23908.98.325

Dear M.,

How long has it been since we last saw each other? Hard to count. Time does not heal. Time only heals what is human, finite, material. It is difficult for me not to be with you. I wait, learning patience.

Dawn is breaking. A new day and new challenges. The lack of you beside me is a particular challenge. What am I doing here, tell me? Who of us came up with this devilish plan to be on this Earth without you? What role do I still have to play here? Will you give me a hint? I am lost in this vastness of possibilities. I know that when it happens, I will know. I wait.

Tell me what is so important to sacrifice such a stretch of time being separated. For whom do you lay our love on torment? Who is the key to this Earth and the world? I wait.

Give me a sign so I don’t wander in the dark. I wait.

Who needs to be saved here? Who should I focus on? Soul, consciousness, and love. Love forces and presses. It gives no peace because it loves. I wait for the time when I will be useful to love. When I will be useful to you. I wait, curled up in this world. I wait for the time that will disperse. Let me know when my time comes so I won’t be too surprised. I wait.

I’ve been waiting for 50 years. October. October night. Do you think it will be then? Give me a signal so I don’t wander in the forest of assumptions. Let me know, because I wait.

Here on Earth, time flows, so I must wait. Time chases us, we will chase it. Time to start the day.

Your wonabru

Stardate 23908.98.456

Dear M.,

Being with myself and the ability to be happy with the thought of you is a skill I have acquired because I must. Otherwise, I would go mad. People here on Earth are not very good at this. They say that man is a social animal. Maybe man is like that, a social being. I am slowly unlearning this. The body certainly has desires and strives to be with others. Such a flawed construction. The earthly body is a bit weak. It reacts with delay. It is slow and slightly foolish. The plus of the body is that it is soft and nice for hugging and therefore weak in contact with other civilizations. Well, I am also a stranger here.

Other civilizations are here too, as you understand. They are a bit too pushy and expansive. If you could mention this at the council, to listen a bit to the voice from within. It’s a bit visible that they are running over the natives. Curb their ambitions a bit because it’s not time yet. It’s a bit weak because people are terrified. They are making too strong a push on ordinary Earthlings. They are pushing various theories on them about LGBT, etc. Supposedly to limit Earth’s population, but it’s already going the other way. Tell them at the council not to be so pushy and not to play at the expense of the natives. They were like that too, not so long ago, as I remember, a few million Earth years ago. Sometimes the pot calls the kettle black. That’s what they say here about such a phenomenon.

The only thing most civilized here are the trees. They love without limits, giving what they have to people and animals. Even getting rid of defense against them. They suffer in silence when they are cut down. Earthlings, as you understand, care about everything that allows them to survive. Gives fruit. They are constantly dealing with mere survival. They spend too little time pondering what it’s all for. The aliens also contribute to this by messing with their heads. Causing more and more threat and a sense of being hunted. Elon Musk is an example here. Let the boy calm down. Bill Gates, the next ruler of no one knows what. When they start listening deep inside themselves, they will have the right to say anything. Now let them settle down a bit.

I feel a bit like on TV. I tell you a lot, but there is a lack of communication the other way. Some interaction would be useful. Let me know, darling. Even a simple wave of the hand. I lead a somewhat dreary life here.

I have mixed feelings about life on Earth. It’s not bad, but a bit boring sometimes. I’m not saying you should start wars here and games for the aliens right away. Although Earthlings are ruthless enough that maybe they could use a little trimming of their noses. The aliens are also walking around pissed off and looking for trouble. Something is in the air. If it’s going to happen, the sooner the better. The organism will cleanse itself, and Earth will breathe. Earthlings are fools, but that’s evolution, and it’s good. Someone needs to know his place.

Finally, tell other civilizations at the council not to be so pushy because they haven’t gone much further than Earthlings yet, and they are already trying to teach and create hysteria.

Bye, I love you


Stardate 23908.98.566

Dear M.,

Sometimes I’m tempted to let the Arguns to be released, just for pure spite against the Earthlings. Arguns are just waiting for a nod and permission. As you understand, the Arguns don’t hold back. Why not do it and cleanse this Earth of the abominations the Earthlings are doing. In the times of the Persians, the Arguns were already advising kings. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth is their gentle formulation of what they do. They are masters at indulging their nature when someone has slightly impure intentions. Earthlings sometimes show in horror movies their fears in the psyche, precisely encoded by the Arguns. They are unaware that this is acquired and not their nature. The Arguns are preparing games because that’s all they have been allowed. Hell is an understatement for what would happen.

The Arguns are waiting, but I don’t know if they will wait during my earthly existence. It’s a difficult topic. They want blood and suffering because that’s their nature. It will be hard to keep them when they see suffering and pain. It’s like a drug for them. I mean, no Earthling has seen an Argun yet because if they did, it’s always the last sight of that individual. It’s not a pleasant sight, as you understand. They haven’t been fed for a long time. They are pressing hard and demanding “revenge.” They go for the lowest line of resistance. Below even instinct. We’ll see. As long as I live on Earth, it’s unlikely they will be released. As you understand, I wouldn’t want to see them running rampant again. Of course, if they murder me or my closest ones, the Arguns have a pass. What can I say, the sight of justice being done gently soothes the pain of loss.

Let me know, my M., if you are well. How long until we meet again? 50 Earth years? More or less? Of course, I don’t know the hour of my death. The unknown is a blessing here. It gives room for hope and faith in a better tomorrow. And logic is a flick of shit.

Imagine I did a brain scan (they use magnetic resonance here for now, meaning electromagnetic waves), a bit poor quality. They scan entire areas, not individual neurons. People are very happy with these possibilities, although in my opinion, it confuses more than it solves the problem. Going back to the scan of my body’s brain, using statistical tools (imagine, statistics are still useful here xD), it turned out that my body has about 30% less gray matter in the brain than a standard human. They call gray matter neuron cells. This may not mean much to you, but neuron cells are like living transistors. It’s hard to describe it differently using human language. Simply put, thanks to neurons, people think. But going further, there is twice as much white matter as this said Smith :O. White matter turns out to be long connections between neurons. In other words, my brain has made long-distance shortcuts. And it seems to have learned to see the whole. Well, it had to. And so people use up to 10% of gray matter, so it’s not clear what the rest is for. As you understand, the rest is still developing and evolving. They just came down from the trees. There is time, and therefore there is still hope that the rest of the brain will civilize people and they will start listening and taking care of themselves.

I’m writing more today. It’s Sunday, and people have a habit of resting once a week. Not all nations rest on the same day, but every 7 days. This results a bit from math because the Earth year is 365.25 Earth days with a certain accuracy. The Earth week, which has 7 days, fits nicely as 52 weeks in a year. Other numbers don’t fit so nicely into this nature of Earth as a planet. So 7 is the number of rest on Earth.

Hey, that’s it for now


Stardate 23908.98.666

Dear M.,

I have never seen you as a human. The brain of my body cannot even imagine who you are. I just feel you. I feel your love, and I feel love for you. This feeling is so strong that the brain cannot deny it or diminish it. Sometimes I tell ordinary people about love, and the reaction is usually one of belittling and mocking. I understand them because they don’t feel, so how can they relate to love. No one on Earth among ordinary people will feel this love because love is between us, not everyone. Earthlings cannot get through this. They universalize, generalize. Love is between us. Not between others. It is specific, and not everyone will have it. Even though I know they cannot understand our love, I talk about it. Even though I often encounter disbelief and ridicule, I talk a bit to make them salivate and start searching. Of course, they won’t feel our love, but maybe they will discover something. I don’t know what beats in their hearts. They have to search and discover in those labyrinths themselves. They may have nothing, or they may have great treasures. No one will walk this path for anyone. This is justice. Money rather hinders this path than helps. But as long as the Earthly fool doesn’t harm and just lives shallowly, let them live. They will die without discovering anything, and it’s their loss. Life will take their waters for posterity and forget.

Whatever body you fall into, you have to live and bear what that body gives. Be consciousness, even though it is sometimes hard to bear the flaws of the body. This is fate. However, most often, flawed bodies are attached to greater treasures. I won’t say always, but the probability is greater.

Human life is very human. Earth is rich in life. It just bursts with it. Spring is coming, the time after frosts, and everything just bursts with life. It’s an amazing feeling. Giving hope. Spring is people’s favorite season. The season of hope. Only life here is fragile. It’s easy to break these organisms by aliens. There is no need for greater defense for people because they have no predator. I mean, they think there is no predator of man. The biggest problem is the brain. Thanks to it, aliens control Earthlings. Simple delusions, such hallucinations, create a sense of well-being but with a hint of threat that it can be lost. Thanks to this simple trick, people act and work like slaves. They don’t think and don’t rebel. As I told you, aliens use the remaining 90% of gray matter, which is currently unawakened for the average person, and make various inserts there. Depending on the needs. Currently, it’s Argun content about so-called hell + pleasures related to LGBT. Such a mix worse than in a McDonald’s hamburger. Now it’s randomly inserted into the heads of the natives with increasing probability over time. The aliens, meaning the Tripodians, want to reach such a level of probability that the population will drop to 500 million Earthlings. According to calculations, they have about 50 Earth years. Otherwise, the Arguns step in. Some see the effects of the inserts and try to fight, but that’s not the way. It’s enough to work on your brain, realize the 90% of gray matter, and the aliens won’t have control. But you can hammer this into the fools’ heads at will, knowing it’s beyond their capabilities.

For now, I’m finishing,


Your wonabru

Stardate 23908.98.667

Dear M.

Earth is adapted for people to gain experience at the initial stage of consciousness evolution. It is rich in life, joyful like in kindergarten. The rules are the same as everywhere, but in a light version. Here you can experiment freely. Do various strange things. In fact, there are no permanent consequences here. There are temporary penalties, but for consciousness, it is usually transitional. People think it’s a hard game here. Let them think.

Already at the beginning of Homo sapiens, Buddha declared, “It is better to walk your own path even if it is wrong than the majority even if it is right.” No more needs to be known about Earth. Just experience. Learn the laws. On Earth, the laws are the same as everywhere, but in a harmless version for consciousness. I will translate Buddha’s words for the current children of Earth, “It is better to learn as a child than to fall as an adult.”

Let people live. Consciousness is created slowly and must hatch from the body. Consciousness is subject to the same rules as the body. Except for one, consciousness is not the body. Once a specific consciousness is created, it leaves the body and lives independently of it. Just like a chick hatches from an egg, breaks it, and lives independently. Out of how many eggs does a living chick currently hatch? From as many bodies, consciousness currently hatches. So anyone who has realized their true “I” is already chosen.

Once consciousness realizes its own self, there is usually no turning back. It is simply aware of itself and begins to have permanent consequences for its actions. The heart is the compass. Without it, consciousness can have terrible consequences. If consciousness does not learn through the heart on Earth and begins to hatch, they fall into serious troubles. Life hard is an understatement. They are left with so-called self-annihilation, which also needs to be known how and what, otherwise it is the so-called thermal hell because it is permanent. None of us, of course, touches it, these are eternal black holes of consciousness, like in matter. I myself am afraid to approach such a black hole, not to be sucked in. Once I was close, but someone pulled me out by the scruff. I don’t know who, but I will always feel gratitude.

That’s it, my dear,


Stardate 23908.98.777

Dear Earthlings,

It’s time to wake up, children of Earth. You can’t indulge for so long. Conscious life is difficult, but more interesting, and much more happiness can be found. Wake up just. It’s not bad, it’s worse. When you sleep, you learn very little. Life is not just about surviving and going to the grave. This is sad and harmful. There is no “leave me alone” here. You already had peace. It will be difficult, hard, painful, but interesting, and for some, it will end happily.

Exactly, only for some, it will be a happy ending. Even for very few. So get your butts in gear and start learning. I don’t like to advise, but I’ll suggest avoiding various chemicals that obscure consciousness. It’s a waste of time to list specific compounds. The same goes for spiritual chemistry, throw it behind you. Various religions, sects, or beliefs. Leave it because it only messes with your heads. Also, don’t try to understand names or love. Rather, you have your hearts, so feeling is the key here. I won’t suggest much here because I don’t know what’s in different people’s hearts. It’s only your business and only yours. I’m talking about love. You don’t have to feel it at all.

So wake up from the cryogenic sleep, kids, and start living normally. No more sleeping because you’re already starting to have nightmares. And bedsores also take their toll. By the end of the Earth year, most should wake up.

Let’s start….

Will you help?


Wake up. It’s time