Why 1+1=2?

I have the impression that my thought is quantized, discontinuous. Thoughts are like points on a 2D surface not really connected to each other. We think it is logical that one follows from the other, but perhaps because we are walking on the same surface of logic. How do we know that 1 + 1 …

The Theory of Unknown

An author Known principles: – Uncertainty is in-build in our Universe (see. Heisenberg uncertainty) – Uncertainty makes information to exist. – Reward / risk is constant in Effective Market Hypothesis – In the case of unknown risk, we should be prepared to unknown reward Uncertain principles: – It is proved that most of the people …

Big short on bitcoin, so let’s prepare diapers;)

Translation of the original post written on 17th of November, 2020:http://www.wonabru.org/big-short-na-bitcoinie-czyli-szykujmy-juz-pampersy/: Well, what can we expect more except title? I wrote about it before http://wonabru.org/2021/05/28/bitcoins-todomon/ and I rather confirm it. There is such an anecdote. As “bootblack” tells how to invest well, it’s time to leave the crypto ship. In my opinion, all financial instruments …

Bitcoin’s todomon

Translation of the original post written 1-st of June, 2020: http://www.wonabru.org/todamon-bitcoina/: Will bitcoin ever cost a million dollars? Let’s check 😉 But what to check here? Well, maybe the foundations, if any. Bitcoin’s utility is mainly about the transfer of value, i.e. the replacement of money. Bitcoin supply is up to 21 million. The number …

A Dream

“I have a dream” by Martin Luther King. Like John Lennon, like many other people in the world, I also have a dream. A dream that people will start to live like brothers, happy that they are together, that they are alive and happy. For this to happen, you need to understand that it is …