There is really no causation in our world. On the nano, micro, macro or cosmic scale.
There is no principle of cause and effect, that is, the basis of logic. It is an invention of our brain that tries to logically match what our eyes, ears, etc … give it.
I can further say that we are continually refitting the past on the basis of the present state. The present state of our mind. It is a bit like that the point of view (of the past) depends on the point of sitting 😛 It’s like we are looking back all the time and depending on where we are, we create history, the past. This past, history never existed. We made it extra so that we could achieve events in a certain logic. So that we wouldn’t go crazy or panic over the lack of some ground. Logical ground. We need some logical anchor. Something that keeps us thinking we know where we are. The truth is, we got lost. Our logical anchors stick to each other. They don’t stick to any ground. We go into the distance thinking that we are grounded in the absolute. In fact, the anchors get tangled up and only keep us next to each other.
As we have limited computing power of the brain, we cannot completely cut ourselves off from the past generated moments ago and it is like an anchor with inertia. Moment after moment, we just fine-tune our history so that it closes logically all the time. There’s no fucking logic there. Our brain needs logic, so it creates it for itself. The brain rules because all stimuli pass through it. So it can suppress some stimuli. Others to strengthen. Depending on the need for logic.
At school, they teach us history, tradition and this rooting. I do not want it. I reject it. I’m not interested in the past because it’s my brain’s invention. What I believe was, in fact possible, did not happen. Holocaust, wars of all kinds, murders, rapes possibly never happened. I am currently questioning this story.
There is really no principle of cause and effect, or the basis of our logic. This is deceptive. Why should it be? Because our brain needs it to encompass the environment around with logic?
Let’s think, why would there naturally be a cause-effect relationship? Where would it come from? What natural principles, in addition to our brain’s desire?
There is no cause and effect continuity in the world today, which clearly does not exist at the subatomic level. Our brain adds this pseudo-continuity. He’s cheating on us all the time.
If the cause and effect principle does not work at the subatomic level, i.e. quantum physics, then why should it be at the macro level, i.e. the world consisting of atoms and seen with our human eyes? Where’s the logic here? Where is this cause and effect?
In the world of quantum physics, you don’t talk about events that are only certain about probability. The square of the amplitude of an electron wave is actually the probability of a particle appearing at this point. Are we talking about some logic here? There is no logic here. Why would this logic suddenly appear on a higher or visible scale?
I do not believe in TV, radio or media broadcasts. I do not believe that the story that is being told to us is true. It is made to fear me. Certain types of behavior etc. This story never happened. It is logical, too logical to be true.
If there is no cause and effect principle on the micro scale, then there is no such principle on the macro or cosmic scale. This is just the way our brain works.

Expected comments😜 -> What the hell this shit is about?