Hey, wake up

In our World, things are not going well. The Earth is slowly dying due to exploitation and human selfishness. I admit, I have also contributed to this. But let’s start from the beginning. There is one uncertainty that I have written about before: “What a supernova”. Every life is intelligent in its own way and …

“Tao Te Ching” – translated by wonabru for children of the Earth

Original text – https://ctext.org/dao-de-jing Point 1 – Embodying Love (Tao) Love is not constant.Love has not always had the same name.She is the Mother of the universe.She is the source of life and its lover.Selfish desire negates her.If you do not desire your own, you will be touched by love and feel the mystery.But if desire …

Demystifying the dopamine quirk

Traveling across consciousness, or more precisely, floating above the Earthly level of consciousness. Flying is a good example here. To rise above our human level, we need to have an airplane rather. Unfortunately, people cannot fly. The plane slowly rises up. It can fly above the clouds for a long time, but there may not …

Alternating type

Target type – variable, alternating, and non-obvious Former goal – anxiety reduction, happiness, children, etc… Indeterminacy has been, is, and will be. You can fight with it, which means push uncertainty. Constant pressure on uncertainty causes more uncertainty and stress. Awareness reduces anxiety. Knowledge reduces anxiety. Drugs reduces anxiety, but … temporarily. The descent into …

Travels across consciousness

There are infinitely many levels of consciousness. Stop. Nonsense. There is a finite number of levels of consciousness. Of course. The highest is obviously when you realize that you are connected to Tao, Love, or you feel like a god. The lowest is the trivial zero, that is, the lack. One could say so. If …

The meaning of life

Aggression. If you possess it, the only way to release it is within yourself. Disregard others and eliminate aggression by suppressing your ego. Either you defeat your ego, or your ego will defeat you. Don’t hesitate. Either do what you want. If you have to kill someone – humiliate your ego. Not another life on …