The meaning of life

Aggression. If you possess it, the only way to release it is within yourself. Disregard others and eliminate aggression by suppressing your ego.

Either you defeat your ego, or your ego will defeat you. Don’t hesitate. Either do what you want.

If you have to kill someone – humiliate your ego. Not another life on this planet. You don’t give life, but you can manage your own ego. Life is true and real.

If only you see something. You can easily change it yourself. If you see it together. You can easily change it together. Matter completely surrenders to life.

No matter how many of you there are. You can change common matters and the world if you agree on it together. There is no democracy here. Everyone has to agree. If you have trouble with change, convince the rest.

Aggression in any form ultimately destroys the aggressor. That’s how it works.

The way to convince is to ask, thank, apologize.

The way to change your own reality which is shared with others, is to wait for their understanding.

Please. I’m sorry. Thank you.
