Alternating type

Target type – variable, alternating, and non-obvious

Former goal – anxiety reduction, happiness, children, etc…

Indeterminacy has been, is, and will be. You can fight with it, which means push uncertainty. Constant pressure on uncertainty causes more uncertainty and stress. Awareness reduces anxiety. Knowledge reduces anxiety. Drugs reduces anxiety, but … temporarily. The descent into anxiety, or in other words hangover, is worse than the feeling of anxiety itself.

In Germany, they theorize a lot about traffic. Traffic jams most often occur when, after widening the highway to 3 lanes, it narrows to 2 again. Boom. Do you understand? If everyone drives evenly all the time, without acceleration and braking, we reach our goal faster. The second question is, what for?

We achieve the goal, arriving for Christmas Eve. Great. Only to want to go back in a moment. What a life, always on the road.

The goal is the goal only. Sometimes it’s worth achieving it. And sometimes, maybe not. Sometimes it is much harder to descend from the mountain than to climb it.

We are on the road. Evenly on German highways. The goal we don’t want to achieve is approaching faster and faster. The meaning of life is moving away even faster. Why to live? A whole life in a car? Isolated from the rest.

A new species of Homo arises. Target alternating, unstable. The goal is unclear. For Homo sapiens, illogical, chaotic, frightening. Logic cannot calm anxiety. Aggression is activated. Kill. And boom. But how? It’s impossible. People who turn on aggression to hide fear disappear themselves. They are gone. Those who are afraid remain. They were victims. If the victims rise and overcome their fear, previously caused by the aggressors, they will win. They move on. A new life begins. A new world. A world of hope. Constant change. Seemingly random, but interesting. Paradise. That’s what heaven looks like.

You want stability. No fear. You will get hell. Without any sense of existence.

Think before you want anything…
