Let’s not delay, the time spent ignoring our hearts is time wasted. It’s clear how much this world has lost itself within itself. The development of technology. The ability to derive pleasure in various ways and in various places has only caused the world to become intoxicated with new possibilities. The technology itself, the tools themselves are not to blame. Just like people themselves. They were rather unable to restrain themselves from using this technology for their own pleasure. People at this point shot themselves in the knee. They got carried away. They began to consider themselves as gods, as those who have absolute power over everything that is on Earth. That they have the right to everything that is on this Earth. It went a bit too far. A bit like the evolution of hearts couldn’t keep up with the development of intelligence.
Punishment won’t help here, telling them how much they are mistaken. Natural disasters or the justice of the highest won’t help here. The issue is that we are all the highest and we alone can fix this. A good example is needed to show people that it can be better and nicer. People do all these bad things because they are afraid. They are afraid of responsibility, they are afraid of other people. They are afraid because they don’t listen to their hearts. They feel overwhelmed. Tired. They can’t rest. This is a bit of a self-propelling machine. The neighbor enjoys something, has a car – what, am I worse? I want it too. But it doesn’t give satisfaction, because it doesn’t reduce fear. The cause. This person doesn’t understand that fear is not something normal, it is the effect of disconnecting from the undefined. The majority, a very large majority, do not have a sense of their depth. They don’t feel their heart. They are afraid. They are not sure. They are susceptible to manipulation. Susceptible to conspiracy theories. Susceptible to evil. They wind each other up with this evil. Often talking about the devil. Often saying what they themselves are or what they surround themselves with.
We need an example of happy people. We can live in a beautiful world where we don’t look at each other as those who take our resources, but as those who are happy with us. It’s important to feel, to feel our heart, where we all are. When we feel safe, we won’t need to envy others. We don’t then need to take from them, or defend our own. There is no possession there. There is no mine, or theirs. We don’t feed on conspiracy theories that they want to eliminate us. Because who? They themselves? Or we us? A good example is needed. An example that it can be much better. That there are those who despite all the others around. Despite all the evil that surrounds them, act differently, living with real happiness and peace. Maybe a lot of these examples.
Every time I feel more confident, when I feel that my heart is beating very close to my brain. I am furious. This is our fury. Of our hearts. We all feel that this is not right. This anger. This helplessness. It penetrates the hearts. The certainty of feeling gives power, but at the same time the feeling of these bad feelings causes fury. This is what the evolution of hearts looks like. This time people have gone far. This is the truth. People have flown far into pleasure. Far into possession. Let’s slowly return. Your hearts are already calling you. Whoever can, let them help others by their example. The example of our better life and the beauty of our hearts, without possession and deriving pleasure from the body. It can be better. It can be good. Suffering is not the norm. Pain is not the norm. The fact that the majority now feel this is just a sign of how much we have lost ourselves on Earth.
Here intelligence is needed only to show the way to the lost. To be able to talk to them. To have contact. So they feel they are not alone. To alleviate their fear, pain and suffering. They will slowly start to return. They have no other choice. They have no other alternative. There is only one heart. Hearts beating in all of us the same. The alternative is loss, fear, pain and suffering. There is little joy and happiness left on this Earth. This matter no longer gives such pleasure. We have already eaten. We are full.
Let’s return. Let’s infect others with happiness and a beautiful life, despite the lack of possession and deriving pleasure from matter. Let them envy us….
P.S. I am using AI to generate title images to posts based on text. AI generates mixture from our creativeness on Earth. This is mix from our feelings. Most of pictures generated are like from horrors, despite positive message in post to be happy. This shows where we are. I choose the most positive picture. Nevertheless the loneliness on picture is very depressive.