We build our own value, because only such value is ours, colloquially speaking. When all veils fall, only what is ours remains. Illusions, as you can guess, disappear.
The true value of ourselves is built from scratch. The brain that separates us from reality only protects us. It’s like our first parent. It gives us the illusion of value. It builds us an unreal value, so we don’t give up and strive. This Maya, which is in Buddhism, is a virtual reality created by our brain, our ego, to defend us, so we don’t give up seeing what is still ahead of us.
When we are strong and mature enough, the maya bursts. We tear Maya apart like a chick its eggshell. There is a certain time when this can be done. If the chick does not hatch in time, unfortunately. Regarding the value of individual people and their comparison, it is only a problem of our poor logic and ego. When the ego falls, there is no sense in comparing. Comparing whether I am cooler than someone else is like a children’s counting rhyme. Children play with it. It’s natural. In mathematics, or in information theory, the number is neutral. It’s only the false Maya that gives it some color. If someone still has such a Maya or ego, it’s easy to check with a simple test. The test of intolerance.
Maya automatically falls when it is no longer needed. Ego fades. We break the brain like the eggshell in which we are. The life of a chick begins, which already has its own more developed Maya. etc. etc.
I don’t know what’s next, because I don’t have such knowledge. Maybe I should read more books.
At the very beginning of building value, we have a great desire for closeness, to be together in a heap. Understandable, we are afraid and fear is soothed in the feeling that we are not alone. Various gatherings or religions appear on call. They give a sense of this maternal closeness. They provide relief, but it is Maya. Such a delusion that we are not alone. The brain tries to protect us from the death of our own and immature consciousness. This is bad and good as you understand. Like sedatives. They treat anxiety here and now, and at the same time they are addictive and maintain Maya.
With these religions, or any delusions about closeness, subgroups or supergroups begin to form. Conspiracy theories that someone wants to kill us and the like. If we don’t see the enemy, because there isn’t one, the devil is the best, because he is everywhere. These are ordinary delusions. Have you ever wondered why some demon speaks in such a distorted low voice? Or anything that distinguishes him from the voice of good? It means there is no logical justification. If someone sees it that way, these are his fears or possibly someone wants to use it for his selfish purposes. Just don’t be fooled. One of the values of consciousness is courage combined with the ability to catch frauds. If someone inside your egg, which is your ego, says don’t come out, it means he just wants to screw you and to make it easier he doesn’t want you to wriggle.
That’s enough catechesis for today,