My current life flows in the Markov process

My life is now running like in the Markov process. The Markov process is a process in which the next step depends only on the current state.

There is no dependence on the past. There is no such thing as karmic dependence. Karma is made up of people who want to justify why I am better than others. Killing your own remorse. Karma justifies, with good behavior in previous lives, that someone has more than others. No one has proven that any previous life was there, but the entire philosophical and religious base was created, just so that the rich could enjoy life without moderation.

I have freed myself from the transactional life. From life something for something. From economical “No Free Lunch” or “No Smoke, No Fire”. From karma. From physical action – reaction.

Living completely dependent on what I have done in the past is pointless. It is shallow. A little in value. It is limited. Giving us no choice. Comes up with no free will. No freedom of action. It restricts our rights to make decisions freely, which in turn means the death of consciousness.

Consciousness should have space to act. Freedom. Various possibilities of making decisions, not one way “only forward”, “just keep going”, “only gain”. The awareness of existance and to be happy should be understood that it needs a choice. Even so prosaic that he can do it or not. A man may fail. He doesn’t just have to go forward, keep going. To be happy, you have to give yourself opportunities to be weak, limited, and giving up. You have to be able to accept it as one of the possible ways.

My life is now like the Markov process, it is not known what fate will bring in a moment. It just depends on my present state now. But this state is changing all the time. Consequently, it is not known what tomorrow will bring. There is no longer dependence on yesterday, the day before yesterday, etc …

Currently life is painted with beautiful colors. It is interesting and mysterious all the time. Indefinite. Everything is possible. My life just got full. “Life is like a box full of chocolates,” said Forest Gump 🙂


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