If you’re heading there, it means you have no choice left.
Go. Try not to stop. In the entire chase for trivial things, hell ceases to be trivial. It’s good to have some strength when you’re already there.
Hell is senselessness. It’s the end. You didn’t make it. You’ve lost. There are no more chances. The meaninglessness of existence. The meaninglessness of action. Everything has already happened, and you are still alive and conscious. Conscious that it’s all been before and nothing awaits you.
If you haven’t experienced this yet, it’s hard for me to say if it awaits you. Supposedly, everyone must be born twice. Once the body, once the consciousness. If your consciousness doesn’t start from hell, then I don’t know if it will do it on end….
Black holes exist in this world. So does senselessness. Referring to black holes, time stops only at the Schwarzschild surface. Inside black holes, no one knows what’s there because one cannot reach it. You stop on the surface before it. In essence, nothing ever falls into a black hole but is suspended on that surface. Yes, a two-dimensional surface. In reality, it has no 3D thickness, so one might think it doesn’t exist, except that time stops there, and everything that falls there does too.
Hell is also flat, yet senselessness stops time and whatever falls there as well.
This is deterministic physics. Einsteinian.
Similarly, hell is determined by Church.
But… is there a “but”?
There is still something small, the smallest. Which is a breach from determinism and the pain of senselessness. The smallest particle, the building block of this world. In physics, it’s the uncertainty principle and the smallest action, the Planck constant. In life, love.
The uncertainty principle does work that, in essence, no one sees but can feel. As the name suggests, it’s about the uncertain. At the very bottom of this world. When you look under the greatest microscopes, it turns out there’s nothing to see. Everything blurs. No one knows what’s going on there. Nothing is logical there. Quantum mechanics rules there, which even the greatest minds cannot understand. Including Einstein, who stated that “God does not play dice.” Well, it seems He does, but no one knows what game.
And what does this have to do with black holes? Well, when you’re falling into one, don’t worry. Time stops in theory but on the surface where there’s no thickness. But if you shrink down to the level of the Planck length, determinism ceases to work, and we start playing dice with God. You won’t stop there, on the Schwarzschild surface, because it blurs. You won’t stop in that determined hell because it’s no longer determined. In theory, where time doesn’t flow and there’s no point in being. In practice, no one yet understands quantum mechanics, and no one understands love. The principles of quantum mechanics work and can be applied without understanding. The same applies to love. Probably no one understands how it works.
If you love and can dissolve in love, black holes and the hells of this world are no longer frightening.
Live and let others love you.